Missing references for existing staff: template risk assessment

Download our template risk assessment and use it to determine whether you need to seek references where they're missing from your records.

Last reviewed on 12 June 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 13442
  1. Carry out a risk assessment 
  2. Decide what you’ll do if retrospective references are unsatisfactory
  3. It's a good idea to record references and risk assessments on your SCR

Carry out a risk assessment 

There are no specific rules on whether you need to obtain retrospective references. You'll need to assess the risks on a case-by-case basis and use your own judgement to determine your next steps. 

Use our risk assessment to help you decide whether you need to obtain references. 

KeyDoc: missing references for existing staff risk assessment DOC, 183.0 KB

There's likely a higher risk if: 

  • Required DBS or other pre-employment checks weren't completed 
  • There have been safeguarding allegations/concerns about the individual 
  • You have performance concerns about the individual (depending on the nature of the concern)

There's likely a medium level of risk if: 

  • You haven't confirmed previous employment or gaps in employment 
  • You have attendance concerns 

If you decide to seek retrospective references,