Early career teacher (ECT) induction: checklist

Download our checklist to make sure you're following statutory requirements before and during early career teacher (ECT) inductions.

Last reviewed on 29 July 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 12582
  1. Download our checklist of ECT induction requirements 

Download our checklist of ECT induction requirements 

Use it to make sure you're meeting the requirements for early career teachers' induction period. 

These requirements are set out in the DfE's statutory guidance for ECT induction and the Early Career Framework (ECF) reforms

The checklist covers what you need to do before, during and after the induction period. 

KeyDoc: requirements for ECT induction checklist DOCX, 133.9 KB

Note: your appropriate body may have specific procedures or timelines they want you to follow, so be sure to check with them and adapt the checklist to include these additional requirements.

 More support with induction

Take a look at our ECT induction summary for a full overview of the process.

Find support on how to choose your approach, and how to choose your ECT mentors.