The cost-of-living crisis is affecting many schools, and you may be looking to change the way you operate. It's important to remember that there are set rules for what you can and cannot charge for – and with parents' budgets likely feeling the same pressure, they may not be able to afford additional costs.
You must have a charging and remissions policy
Download and adapt our model policy or use our checklist to find out what to include.
This article is based on advice from the DfE on charging for school activities. It applies to all maintained schools.
Academies: it also applies to you through your funding agreement (though check your funding agreement to be sure).
What can and can't we charge for?
Education provided during school hours (including the supply of materials, books, instruments or other equipment) Education provided outside of school hours if it's part of: The National Curriculum A syllabus for an exam that your school is