How academies are funded

Find out how your general annual grant (GAG) funding is calculated, and what government funding you're entitled to on top of your GAG.

Last reviewed on 9 August 2024See updates
School types: AcademySchool phases: AllRef: 3523
  1. National funding formula (NFF)
  2. General annual grant (GAG)
  3. Mainstream schools additional grant for 2024-25
  4. Teachers' pay additional grant for 2024-25
  5. Teachers' pension grant for 2024-25
  6. The core schools budget grant (CSBG) for 2024-25
  7. Funding outside the GAG

National funding formula (NFF)

LAs determine your school's core budget using a local funding formula

The government uses the national funding formula (NFF) to work out your 'notional' core funding allocation. However, your actual allocation is based on a local funding formula from your local authority (LA) – this is the same system as for maintained schools.

But, unlike for maintained schools:

  • Your LA will submit its local formula to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), so the ESFA can issue academies allocation statements – as explained in the 'introduction' section of this ESFA funding allocation guidance
  • Your funding allocations are:
    • Paid directly to your trust by the ESFA
    • Based on the academic, rather than financial, year

This is explained in guidance from the ESFA

Transition to the direct NFF

The direct