Financial management policies
- 16 to 19 bursary fund: model policyIf your school receives the 16 to 19 bursary fund, you must publish a policy or statement setting out how you will use the funding. Adapt our model policy to help you set your eligibility criteria and the support you offer.
- Anti-fraud, bribery and corruption policiesSchools have a responsibility to protect public money. Read what's expected of your school and see examples of anti-fraud policies.
- Charging and remissions policy: model and examplesSave time and stay compliant by adapting our model charging and remissions policy. Alternatively, use our downloadable checklist to structure your policy and read tips on how to write your own.
- Competitive tendering policy: modelDownload and adapt our model competitive tendering policy to help you comply with procurement law.
- Disposal and write-off policiesSee examples of disposal and write-off policies from other schools and a MAT to help you write your own. You'll also find an example developed by the Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL).
- Finance policies (maintained schools)See examples of finance policies from maintained primary, secondary and special schools, to get ideas for writing your own.
- Finance policy (academies): how to and examplesIf you're writing or reviewing your finance policy, get advice on how to go about it, and see examples of policies from other academies.
- Governors' allowances and expenses policy: model and examplesSignpost your governors to our model policy and adapt it to suit your school's context. Plus, see examples from a range of schools to find out how other schools have done it.
- Investment policy: model and examplesDownload our model investment policy and adapt it to suit your academy trust. Plus, see examples of policies from other multi-academy trusts (MATs).
- New procurement thresholdsThe higher value Public Contracts Regulation (PCR) procurement thresholds have replaced the EU thresholds. The Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) has also been replaced with the Find a Tender service. We've updated our model policy to reflect these changes.
- Pupil premium policy: model and examplesDownload and adapt our model pupil premium policy to suit your school's context. Find examples of policies from primary, secondary and special schools.
- Reserves policy (academies)See examples of policies from a primary and a secondary school, as well as multi-academy trusts (MATs).
- Statement of accounting policies: model and exampleDownload our model statement of accounting policies and adapt it to suit your context. You'll also find a template from the ESFA.