- Allegations against staff (including low-level concerns) policy: model
Adapt and use our allegations against staff model policy (which you'll find in appendix 3 of our model child protection policy) for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff, including low-level concerns.
- Conflict of interest policy: model and guidance
You must keep a register of business interests for governors or trustees, but you can also include other staff. Find out why you might need to do this and adapt our model policy to help make it clear who needs to declare what.
- Continuing professional development (CPD) policies
See examples of continuing professional development (CPD) policies from primary, secondary and special schools. Get expert advice on how to write your policy, including whether it should include personal development provision.
- Dignity at work: model policy
Use our model policy to help you deal with incidents of workplace harassment, bullying and victimisation confidently and consistently, so you can offer your staff the support they need.
- ECT induction policy: model and examples
Download and adapt our model policy for early career teacher (ECT) induction.
- Employing people with convictions: model policy, guidance and examples
Stay compliant when writing your policy statement for employing 'ex-offenders'. Download our model policy and see examples from other schools.
- Family and parental leave policy: model
Download and adapt our model family and parental leave policy so you can save time, stay compliant and keep your approach consistent for all staff across your school or trust.
- Flexible working policy: model and examples
Download our model policy for flexible working and adapt it to your school or trust's context. It includes a template form that your staff can use to make flexible working requests.
- Gifts and hospitality policy: model and examples
Find our model policy and examples from schools to help you with writing your own policy.
- Lunchtime supervision policies and procedures
Find examples of lunchtime supervision policies and procedures from primary and secondary schools.
- Menopause policy: model, examples and guidance
Use our model policy to set out your school's commitment to supporting staff impacted by the menopause, including the reasonable adjustments you may need to make for them. See examples of other school policies, and advice on how to reduce stigma around the menopause in your school.
- Recruitment and retention policies
See example recruitment policies from schools, and read guidance on what to include in your own.
- Redundancy policy: guidance and examples
Find out how to develop your selection criteria for your redundancy policy. Plus see example policies from schools.
- Safer recruitment policy: model
Use and adapt our model safer recruitment procedures (which you'll find in appendix 2 of our model child protection policy) to help save you time and stay compliant.
- School staff induction policy: examples
Compare your staff induction policy with examples from other primary, secondary and special schools.
- Social media policy: model and examples
Adapt our social media policy template to set out the rules for your school's official social media use, and make sure staff, pupils, parents and carers understand your expectations on how to interact appropriately online. See examples of policies from other schools.
- Staff capability policy and procedures: model and examples
Download and adapt our model staff capability policy, or use our checklist to make sure your own policy covers everything it should. Plus, see examples from a primary and a secondary school, as well as a multi-academy trust.
- Staff code of conduct: model and examples
Download and adapt our model staff code of conduct, developed with NAHT and approved by a law firm. See examples of codes of conduct from primary, secondary and special schools, and from trusts.
- Staff disciplinary procedures: model and examples
Download and adapt our model staff disciplinary procedures, or review your own with our checklist of what to include. See examples of policies from other schools and academy trusts.
- Staff dress codes: guidance and examples
Read advice on whether you need a staff dress code and what it should include. Use examples of staff dress codes from primary, secondary and special schools to help you create your own.
- Staff expenses policy: model and examples
Download our staff expenses model policy, and see examples of policies from a school and trusts.
- Staff grievance policy and procedures: model and examples
Download our model staff grievance policy and adapt it to your context. See examples of grievance procedures from primary schools, secondary schools and trusts.
- Staff sickness and absence policy: model and examples
Download and adapt our model sickness and absence policy for your school's or trust's context. See example policies from other schools to get inspiration for your own.
- Staff supervision policies
See examples from schools to help you write your supervision policy for staff with safeguarding responsibilities.
- Staff wellbeing policy: model and examples
Use our model policy to set out your school's or trust's commitment to staff wellbeing. Help staff understand what they should do to promote wellbeing, and how you'll support them.
- Support staff appraisal policies: examples
Find examples of policies for primary and secondary schools that you can use as a basis for your own policy.
- Teacher appraisal policy: model, checklist and examples
Adapt our model appraisal policy to use in your school, or use our checklist to make sure your own policy covers everything it needs to. Also see examples of school policies covering appraisal of teachers' performance.
- Teachers' pay policy: models and examples
Download and adapt our model pay policy to suit your context – choose the version that reflects whether you're retaining or stopping performance-related pay. Or, use our checklist to make sure your own policy complies with the STPCD. See examples of teachers' pay policies from a range of schools.
- Volunteer policy: model and examples
Adapt our model volunteer policy, which includes a volunteer code of conduct and application form, to suit your school. See examples of volunteer policies from other schools.
- Working off-site: model policy
Download and adapt our model policy, approved by lawyers and the NAHT, to set out your school's approach to working off-site (e.g. from home). Let your staff know what you expect and how you will support them.