Midday supervisors: performance objectives

Use these sample performance objectives to help you write your own for a midday supervisor in your school. Get ideas for success criteria, monitoring arrangements and evidence for evaluating the objectives.

Last reviewed on 5 May 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 10599
  1. Rewarding good pupil behaviour
  2. Pupil behaviour: supporting positive social interaction
  3. Promoting good behaviour on rainy days
  4. Promoting pupils' perspective
  5. Promoting physical activity
  6. Supporting isolated pupils
  7. Use KeyGPT to help

Rewarding good pupil behaviour


To help improve behaviour at lunchtime by developing strategies for rewarding pupils' good behaviour, for example by using a sticker system. To then share the plan with colleagues and the team leader and, if approved, to implement the system and report back on its success.

You could adapt this objective to target specific issues, such as behaviour in the:

  • Dining room
  • Queue
  • Playground

Success criteria:

  • Fewer lunchtime behaviour incidents 
  • Calmer, more focused start to afternoon lessons
  • Presentation of plan
  • Evidence of discussion with colleagues via a log or discussion notes
  • Written evaluation of implemented plan

Monitoring arrangements and evidence:

  • Behaviour logs
  • Observation of afternoon lessons
  • Reports
  • Log or notes of any relevant discussions
  • Discussions with line manager
  • Self-evaluation by the midday supervisor

Pupil behaviour: supporting positive social interaction


To improve social interactions at lunchtime by developing ways to encourage pupils to take part in more constructive, cooperative lunchtime activities.

Number of children engaged