Teaching assistants: performance objectives

Read our sample performance objectives for teaching assistants (TAs) and tailor them to the roles, requirements and priorities in your school.

Last reviewed on 22 November 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 6831
  1. Tailor objectives to particular roles
  2. Professional development
  3. Supporting teaching and learning
  4. Supporting pupils with special educational needs (SEN)
  5. Supporting literacy and numeracy
  6. Examples from an LA

Tailor objectives to particular roles

Teaching assistants (TAs) can have a wide range of roles and responsibilities. Adapt our suggested objectives below to reflect the requirements of the individual TA and your school’s priorities.

You might find it useful to look at these articles for ideas when setting objectives:

The following objectives, success criteria and monitoring arrangements were developed with help from our associate education expert, David Roche.

Professional development

Remember that 'professional development' can cover a range of activities, for example:

  • Going on a course
  • Researching strategies (e.g. in supporting challenging behaviour)

For a newer / less experienced TA:

To undertake professional development in behaviour management in order to enhance and improve the current classroom role,