Teachers without a TLR1 or TLR2 can't be accountable for a subject
While teachers are naturally expected to share their experience and knowledge to help shape your school’s curriculum, you can't ask a teacher without a TLR1 or TLR2 to take on:
- Responsibility for a subject
- Accountability for a subject
This is made explicit in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD), page 79, paragraph 48.
Understand more about the rules and criteria for awarding TLR payments.
But they can co-ordinate a subject
A classroom teacher not in receipt of a TLR can still be responsible for co-ordinating a subject area, as long as they're not made accountable for results in the subject across your school.
For example, they could:
- Share good practice with other teachers
- Research and share study materials
- Suggest resources for your school to use
If a teacher without a TLR is