Management policies
- Business continuity or disaster recovery plan: guidance and templateMake sure you have plans in place to deal with any disruption to your normal activities. Find out what your plan should cover and use our template to help you. Also see examples from other schools and trusts.
- Complaints procedure: model and examplesAdapt our model complaints procedure to your school's context, and use our checklists to make sure you stay compliant.
- Confidentiality policy: examplesSee examples of confidentiality policies from primary, secondary and special schools, to help you decide what to include in your policy.
- Examination contingency plan: model and examplesDownload and adapt our model exam contingency plan to stay compliant as an exam centre, and see examples of contingency plans from other schools.
- Governor visits policy: model and examplesDownload our model policy for governor visits and adapt it to your needs. Check out our guidance for what you should include, and see examples from different types of schools.
- Home-school agreement: model and examplesYou're not required to have a home-school agreement. If you'd like to use one, download and adapt our primary and secondary models and see examples from other schools, to set clear expectations and promote effective partnerships with your school community.
- Home-school communication policy: model and examplesDownload and adapt our model policy. Use it to set clear guidelines for staff and parents, and to give parents a list of contacts so they know the right member of staff to send their queries to.
- Instrument of government: model and examplesDownload our model instrument of government or use our checklist of statutory content to create or review your own. Take a look at some examples from schools for inspiration.
- Mobile phone policy: model and examplesAdapt our model mobile phone policy to suit your school, or use our checklist to help you write your own. See examples of policies from other schools on the use of mobile phones by pupils, staff, parents/carers, visitors and volunteers.
- Risk management policy: model and examplesUse our template policy to make sure risk management is part of your trust's business planning and decision-making processes. You can also see examples of risk management policies from trusts of different sizes.
- School uniform policy: model and examplesAdapt our model to help you develop your uniform policy in line with your requirement to make uniform affordable to families. Get further inspiration from primary, secondary and special schools.
- Whistle-blowing policy: model and examplesBe clear about the requirements for a whistle-blowing policy in your school or trust, and get guidance on what to include. Download and adapt our model policy to fit your trust's context, and see examples of policies from other schools.