Download our model plan
Our model is:
- Designed for you to adapt to suit your school's context
- Also designed so it can be set centrally by your trust, with your schools adapting it for their individual settings in light of local circumstances
- Approved by Forbes Solicitors
Examination contingency plans are a requirement
The Joint Council for Qualifications' (JCQ) general regulations for approved centres 2024 to 2025 state how all 'approved centres' (i.e. schools that offer exams/assessments with one of the providers that fall under the JCQ) must have an up-to-date, written contingency plan in place. This is outlined in section 3.17 of the general regulations, linked above.
There's no specified format for the contingency plan, but our model complies with the JCQ's regulations. If your school, or a school in your trust, is an exam/assessment centre for a different awarding organisation, you'll need to contact the exam board directly for