Planning and supporting school improvement

Highlights from school evaluation and improvement

  • Action plan for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
    Use our template and completed example to inspire you and save you time when developing your EYFS action plan. See examples from other schools to see how they've done it.
  • Action plans for writing (primary)
    Download and adapt our Key Stage (KS) 2 writing action plan template to help you create your own. Find suggestions on how to improve writing in your school, and see examples from other schools.
  • Collaborating with other trusts and schools
    Explore how your multi-academy trust (MAT) can collaborate with other trusts and maintained schools. We explain what sorts of partnerships you can form, and advise on how to set up these collaborations to ensure they’re worth your time.
    For Trust Leaders
  • Creating a school improvement framework for your MAT
    Learn how to create the right environment in your MAT to drive school improvement. Get to grips with what you need to determine as a central team, and how to involve each school in creating the improvement framework by sharing good practice and successful interventions.
    For Trust Leaders
  • Department/subject action plan: template and guidance
    Once you’ve identified the strengths and weaknesses of your department or subject, you’ll want to turn that information into a coherent action plan. Download our template and follow our guidance to get the most out of your plan.
  • Getting the most out of your Ofsted feedback
    Make sure you take the opportunity to get useful feedback on how to improve your school. You can download our reflection sheet to help you record what inspectors are saying.
  • How to deliver school improvement across your trust
    The improvement needs of each school are unique, but the process for delivering school improvement support is transferable across trusts. Read on to find out how to get this process right.
    For Trust Leaders
  • How to develop your long-term strategic plan
    Long-term strategic planning will give you an overview of the direction of your school improvement over the next 3 to 5 years. Find out how to develop a robust plan that will help you achieve your school's vision. Plus, download our template plan to save you time writing your own.
  • How to get headteachers to work together to support each other
    We spoke to Russell Boulton, CEO of Enrich Learning Trust, to find out the 3 key ingredients to getting school principals/headteachers to collaborate and work together. Find out how you can equip your heads to do the same in your trust.
    For Trust Leaders
  • How to organise your monitoring schedule
    Find out how you can monitor with purpose, so you don't overload staff with unnecessary monitoring. Plus, see examples of policies from other schools.
  • Make pupil feedback count: how one SLT hears from every pupil, every year
    The Marlborough Science Academy revolutionised pupil voice by introducing weekly feedback sessions across the entire school and making regular improvements in response. Here's how this SLT did it, and how you can too.
  • Post-inspection action plan: guidance and template
    Get advice on how to use feedback from your inspections to create effective post-Ofsted action plans for your school or your subject.
  • Premises development plans: template
    Use our template premises development plan to help you audit your school grounds and buildings and plan improvement tasks.
  • Raising attainment plans
    Raising attainment plans (RAPs) are tactical, short-term plans to help schools raise standards. Get to grips with how they work, who's involved, and how they differ from a school improvement plan.
  • Reading action plans (primary)
    Download and adapt our Key Stage (KS) 2 reading action plan template to help you create your own. Also check out examples of action plans from other schools.
  • Reviewing the quality of your teaching and learning
    Use a range of sources to get a reliable overall picture of the quality of teaching and learning in your school. Download our tracking and summary sheets to record and communicate the outcomes of your monitoring activities, and understand how to act on this evidence to improve your offer.
  • School improvement planning: how to work with your governors
    Know how to involve your governors in the process, so you get the challenge and support you need to create an effective school improvement plan (SIP).
  • School improvement plan: template, checklist and monitoring guidance
    Download one of our school improvement plan (SIP) templates and use our checklist to help you evaluate your SIP. Learn how you can monitor implementation of your SIP.
  • SEND action plan template
    Download and adapt our special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) action plan template, and see examples of SEND action plans from other schools.
  • SIP vs strategic plan: what the difference is and why it matters
    Learn the distinction between a school improvement plan (SIP) and a strategic plan, and how the 2 can be used in tandem to plan your school improvement.
  • Sustainability resource hub: how to achieve a whole-school focus on climate action
    Navigate the complexities of reducing the impact of your school on the climate with a curated selection of resources.
  • Talent mapping across your trust: getting the most out of a skills database
    Auditing your staff to create a skills database can help the schools across your trust access in-house experts. This can save you money, encourage collaboration, manage talent and drive improvement. Follow our tips to make this work in your trust and find examples of audits you can use.
    For Trust Leaders
  • Trust strategic plans: template and guidance
    Use the template and advice in this article to get started with your trust’s strategic plan, and take a look at examples to see how other trusts have set out their plans and what they’ve included.
    For Trust Leaders
  • Trust-wide collaboration: overview
    Chris Kirk, director of CJK Associates, gives us a rundown on collaboration models and how to make them work for your trust.
    For Trust Leaders
  • Whole-school pastoral action plans
    Download our template for a whole-school pastoral action plan and a sample completed plan. You will also find examples of school approaches to planning for improving pastoral provision.
  • Writing an effective SIP: planning guide
    Be confident that your school improvement plan (SIP) is set up for success. Use our tools to narrow down competing priorities, develop achievable actions and create SMART targets, so you don't risk overburdening your staff and can keep on track with your long-term goals.