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  • Working together to improve school attendance: the DfE's expectations Updated - Get to grips with the DfE's guidance on maintaining high levels of attendance. Be clear on what you're expected to do, including building relationships with families, developing a whole-school approach and analysing data.
  • Questions Ofsted might ask about attendance and inclusion Download our list of questions Ofsted inspectors might ask about attendance and inclusion, including questions based on your school's data.
  • Attendance: what Ofsted is looking for Ofsted will consider your attendance data when making specific judgements. Understand what evidence inspectors will want to look at, and what they want to see in 'outstanding' and 'good' schools.
  • Analysing your attendance and absence data Find out how to analyse your attendance data to spot patterns in absences for groups of pupils, identify reasons this may be happening, and plan your next steps.
  • Improving attendance: audit Download our audit to help you identify issues in your school, so you can put targeted strategies in place to improve attendance.
  • Absence, attendance and punctuality: template letters to parents/carers Use our template letters to help you address attendance issues such as unauthorised absence and poor punctuality. See examples of letters from primary and secondary schools, and get guidance on building a trusting relationship with parents/carers.
  • Attendance officer: model job description Download our model job description and person specification for an attendance officer. Adapt it to meet your school's needs.
  • Traveller pupils: absence and attendance Understand the legislation around attendance expectations for Traveller pupils, and find advice on when to authorise absence and which absence codes to use.
  • Attendance: national, LA and school data Compare your school's attendance data to others locally and nationally, using our summary of the data and templates. Learn how the data is collected and how to make your own data tables using the DfE website.
  • Children missing education (CME): procedures and policies Find out about the statutory requirements for school procedures on children absent from education and children missing education (CME), including monitoring attendance, updating admission registers and making reasonable enquiries about a child's whereabouts. See CME policies from primary, secondary and special schools.
  • Strategies for improving attendance Updated - Use our practical tips to help tackle poor attendance in your school. While these aren't intended to be a quick fix, you can put most of them into practice without overhauling your whole strategy.
  • How to improve sixth form attendance and behaviour Get expert advice to help you improve attendance and behaviour in the sixth form. Read a case study to find out how a sixth form improved standards of attendance and behaviour.
  • Attendance reintegration plans Support pupils to improve their attendance with our template reintegration plan. Get guidance on how to work with the pupil and their family to create an effective plan that's tailored to the individual's barriers to attendance.
  • Parenting contracts for poor attendance Get advice on parenting contracts, including when to use them in response to problems with behaviour or attendance, and see examples and guidance from local authorities.
  • Attendance register: requirements and guidance Be clear on the rules for registering pupil attendance and absence, so you can make sure your school is compliant. Find guidance on when to close the register, and see what approaches other schools take.
  • Attendance: template report to governors Use our adaptable template to paint a clear picture to governors of absence and attendance in your school. Get governors up to speed on the common barriers to attendance, your approach to tackling them, and demonstrate impact.
  • Absence and attendance resource hub Understand your responsibilities when it comes to absence and attendance. Feel confident in monitoring, managing and improving your attendance, to keep pupils safe and learning.
  • Attendance officer: interview questions If you're interviewing for an attendance officer, download and adapt our list of questions and suggested responses.
  • Schools white paper 2022: summary Find out about upcoming and potential policy changes and what they mean for your school or trust. Plans include new attainment targets in literacy and numeracy, an academy-led education system and a drive to increase attendance.