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  • Mastery teaching across the curriculum Be clear on what mastery means and see how you can help your teachers teach and assess it across the curriculum.
  • Primary maths skills audit Download our subject-specific audit tool to help your teachers identify gaps in their knowledge and deliver high-quality maths teaching to all pupils.
  • Teaching mixed-age classes (primary) Find expert advice to help teachers cater to pupils of different ages. See how other schools teach mixed-age classes and how to communicate your approach to parents and carers.
  • Appraising staff on maternity, paternity and adoption leave Understand your legal responsibilities for performance managing teachers on maternity leave. Plus, get tips on how to schedule meetings and set appraisal targets for staff on maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave.
  • Bloom's Taxonomy: summary and use Get to grips with Bloom's Taxonomy, and see examples from schools on how to apply the principles in lesson planning and teaching.
  • How to manage complaints: checklist and guidance Complaints can be a big worry for all involved. Be clear on how to investigate complaints about your school and download our checklist to help you carry out a formal investigation.
  • Trust-wide collaboration: overview Chris Kirk, director of CJK Associates, gives us a rundown on collaboration models and how to make them work for your trust.
    For Trust Leaders
  • Website requirements: academies and academy trusts Find out what individual academies need to publish online, and if you’re a multi-academy trust, what your trust website needs to include. Use our checklists to help you comply.
  • Setting targets in primary schools Get to grips with what you need to consider when setting targets, and see examples of different approaches other primary schools have taken.
  • EYFS framework changes Changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework have applied since 1 September 2021. Read our summary to understand the changes to the previous framework.
  • Raising attainment in maths Learn how to improve your maths offer by supporting staff to provide high-quality teaching in the classroom, and running evidence-based interventions.
  • Maternity leave and pay Download our summary of the rules about maternity pay and leave for teachers and support staff. Adapt our 2 template letters, one for employees giving notice of maternity leave to their employer and the other for employers confirming maternity pay and leave details to an employee.
  • Statutory risk assessments: checklist and guidance Stay compliant and keep your pupils, staff and visitors safe with our checklist of the risk assessments you need to have in your school. Plus, see advice on when to do a risk assessment.
  • Writing: effective teaching strategies (primary) Improve writing outcomes in your school. Get ideas for high-quality teaching of writing at Key Stage (KS) 1 and 2. Find research-based example strategies, a teaching framework and primary school case studies to help you along your improvement journey.
  • Writing an effective SIP: planning guide Updated - Be confident that your school improvement plan (SIP) is set up for success. Use our tools to narrow down competing priorities, develop achievable actions and create SMART targets, so you don't risk overburdening your staff and can keep on track with your long-term goals.
  • Challenging the placement of a pupil with SEND: guidance and checklist There are times when you can't meet the needs of a pupil with an EHC plan. Be clear on your requirements and use our checklist to help you make the best possible case to your LA if you want to challenge a pupil's placement at your school.
  • Assessing and monitoring pupils' progress in maths (primary) See how you can assess and monitor pupils' progress in maths using different resources.
  • Teaching phonics Find out how to choose a validated phonics programme, and see examples of how schools use them and set out their phonics objectives and policies.
  • Leadership in 'outstanding' schools Understand what makes leadership 'outstanding'. Based on extracts from recent 'outstanding' Ofsted reports, find suggested actions to help strengthen your leadership in key areas.
  • Senior mental health leads: training Find out about the different training options available for senior mental health leads and how to decide between them.