Last reviewed on 22 April 2021
School types: All · School phases: All
Ref: 42420

Your chair and accounting officer must:

  • Ensure their capacity to control and influence does not conflict with requirements for managing related party transactions
  • Manage personal relationships with related parties to avoid both real and perceived conflicts of interest, promoting integrity and openness in accordance with the seven principles of public life

Ensure there are measures in place to manage conflicts of interest Ensure requirements for managing related party transactions are applied across the trust Recognise that certain transactions with related parties may attract greater public scrutiny and require sufficient disclosure in annual accounts to support the high standards of accountability and transparency of the public sector, including: Transactions with individuals in a position of control and influence, including the chair of the board of trustees and accounting officer Payments to organisations which have a profit motive, as opposed to those in the voluntary sector Relationships with external auditors that go beyond their