Last reviewed on 22 April 2021
School types: All · School phases: All
Ref: 42444

Provide your employees with clear and relevant information on the risks to them identified by the fire risk assessment, about the measures you have taken to prevent fires, and how these measures will protect them if a fire breaks out Before you employ a minor, provide a parent with clear and relevant information on the risks to them identified by the risk assessment, the measures you have put in place to prevent/protect them from fire and inform any other responsible person of any risks to them arising from their undertaking Inform non-employees, such as students and temporary or contract workers, of the relevant risks to them, and provide them with information about who the nominated competent persons are, and about the fire safety procedures for the premises Co-operate and co-ordinate with other responsible persons who also have premises in the building, inform them of any significant risks you find, and how