Last reviewed on 23 April 2021
School types: All · School phases: All
Ref: 42449

Usually have a sufficient number of suitably trained first aiders to care for your employees in case they are injured at work. However, the basic minimum requirement is to have an appointed person to take change of first aid arrangements, provided you have taken into account the nature of your employees' work, the number of staff you have, and the location of your school. This appointed person does not have to be a first aider. Provide information for all employees on first aid arrangements, including those with reading and language difficulties. This should include the location of equipment, facilities and first aid personnel, and the procedures for monitoring and reviewing the school's first aid needs Ensure that notices about first aid are displayed in a prominent place, preferably at least one in each building Arrange adequate and appropriate training and guidance for staff who volunteer to be first aiders or appointed