Last reviewed on 19 April 2021
School types: All · School phases: All
Ref: 42454

Have regard to Keeping Children Safe in Education and ensures that your school's policies, procedures and training are effective and comply with the law (this is a statutory requirement) Appoint someone at senior board level (or equivalent) to take leadership responsibility for our school's safeguarding arrangements. This person should have the knowledge, skills and expertise needed to fulfil this role Implement appropriate policies and procedures for appropriate action to be taken in a timely manner to safeguard and promote children's welfare, including: A child protection policy A staff behaviour policy (code of conduct) Clear systems and processes for identifying possible mental health problems (including routes to escalate and clear referral and accountability systems) Appoint an appropriate senior member of staff, from the school's leadership team, to the role of designated safeguarding lead (DSL) Make sure all staff undergo safeguarding and child protection training (including online safety) at induction Make sure the training is regularly