Last reviewed on 23 April 2021
School types: All · School phases: All
Ref: 42515

You must* publish your school's:

  • Name
  • Postal address
  • Telephone number
  • Name of the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public
  • Name of the headteacher or principal
  • Name and contact details of your special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) if you're a mainstream academy
  • If the school’s owner is an individual: full name and telephone number (use a school/trust number, to avoid publishing their personal one, in line with the UK GDPR)
  • If the owner is a group or organisation: address and telephone number of its office

*Academies should always refer to their own funding agreements to confirm exactly what they must publish.

*Website requirements don't apply to pupil referral units. If you're a PRU, check with your local authority about what you must publish on your website.