First aid policy: model and examples

It's no longer a requirement to have a standalone first aid policy, but it is recommended. Download and adapt our model first aid policy to suit the context of your school or trust. See examples of first aid policies from primary, secondary and special schools, and from multi-academy trusts.

Last reviewed on 25 June 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41631
  1. Your requirements
  2. Download our model first aid policy 
  3. School first aid policy examples

Your requirements

In addition to the legal requirement to have a health and safety policy, you should have a first aid policy and carry out a first aid needs assessment to help inform that policy. Read more guidance about first aid provision.

If you prefer, you can include your first aid procedures in your health and safety policy, but you must make sure this is accessible and staff know where to find it.

Download our model first aid policy 

Our model first aid policy is approved by Forbes Solicitors and designed for you to adapt to suit your school’s context. All of our model documents take account of relevant requirements and good practice. They're easy to adapt, and will save you time and help you keep your school compliant.

Please note: this model policy is aimed primarily at maintained schools and academies, but can be easily adapted to suit any school.