Our policy tool shows you which policies are must-haves for your school and which policies are recommended, with decision-making guidance so you only create the policies you really need. Plus, we'll always let you know when there's a change you need to act on, for total confidence you're compliant.
Policy Expert is your go-to for knowing which policies you must have, should have, and if anything changes.
A single view of everything you need
One place to manage the statutory policies you need, with review dates, who needs to approve them and whether they’re needed on your website.
Clarity on which policies you do and don’t need
Recommended policies for good practice - and decision-making guidance so you only create the policies you really need.
Confidence that your school is compliant
Adaptable, lawyer-approved model policies, so you can be sure you're compliant.
Policy updates that come to you
Alerts when there's a change in DfE requirements or guidance, so you can act quickly and with confidence.
There are over 100 model policies available on The Key
Can't see what you're looking for? It's likely to be covered in another policy or in one of our other resources. Get in touch to see how we can best support you.
- 16 to 19 bursary fund (only required if you access the bursary)
- Acceptance of gifts, hospitality, awards, prizes or benefits
- Accessibility plan
- Accounting
- Admissions
- Anti-bullying
- Anti-fraud, bribery and corruption
- Art, design and music policies
- Asbestos policy
- Assessment policy
- Asset management plan
- Attendance policy
- Before and after school clubs
- Behaviour policy
- Bereavement policy
- Business disaster recovery
- Careers guidance
- CCTV policies
- Charging and remissions
- Child protection policy and procedures
- Children missing education (CME)
- Children with health needs who cannot attend school
- Collection and walking home alone policy
- Collective worship
- Competitive tendering
- Computing policy
- Confidentiality policies
- Conflict of interest
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) policy
- Curriculum
- Data protection (including protection of children's biometric information)
- Dealing with abusive visitors in schools
- Designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children
- Dignity at work
- Display policy
- Display screen equipment
- Disposal and write-off policies
- Drugs policies
- Early career teacher (ECT) policy
- Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) policies (only required if you have early years provision)
- Educational visits policies
- Emergency plan
- English and literacy policies
- English as an additional language (EAL) policy
- Equality information and objectives statement
- Equal opportunities policies
- Examination contingency plan (only required if you're an exam centre)
- Exams policy
- Exclusions
- Family and parental leave policy
- Finance: how to and examples
- Finance (maintained schools)
- First aid
- Freedom of information publication scheme
- Governors’ allowances and expenses
- Governor visits
- Handwriting and presentation (primary)
- Health and safety
- Home-school agreement
- Home-school communication
- Home visits
- Homework policy
- ICT and internet acceptable use
- Instrument of government
- Intimate care policy
- Investment
- Lockdown procedures: template and guidance
- Lone working
- Looked after children
- Lunchtime supervision
- Managing allergies in school
- Manual handling policy
- Marking and feedback policies
- Maths and numeracy policies
- Menopause policy
- Mobile phone
- Modern slavery act statement
- Most able/gifted and talented
- Non-examination assessment (only required if you're an exam centre)
- No smoking policies
- Online safety
- Parent code of conduct: model and examples
- PE policy (primary)
- Positive handling policy: examples
- Premises hire
- Premises management documents
- Preventing extremism
- Privacy notices
- Provider access
- PSHE policy: model and examples
- Pupil mental health and wellbeing policy
- Pupil premium
- Reading and guided reading policies (primary)
- Recruitment and retention policies
- Recruitment of ex-offenders
- Redundancy
- Relationships and sex education (RSE)
- Remote learning
- RE policy
- Reserves policy (academies)
- Risk assessment
- Risk management policy
- Safer recruitment
- School complaints
- School food policy
- School key holder
- School minibus policies
- School staff dress codes
- School staff induction
- School uniform policies
- Science policies (primary)
- Security policy
- Severe weather
- Social media policy: model and examples
- Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) policy
- Special educational needs information report
- Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development policies
- Staff absence
- Staff capability procedures
- Staff conduct policy
- Staff disciplinary procedures
- Staff expenses policy
- Staff grievance policy
- Staff supervision policy
- Staff wellbeing
- Statement of behaviour principles
- Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff
- Subject policy
- Sun safety policy
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions
- Support staff appraisal
- Sustainability policy
- Teacher appraisal policy
- Teachers’ pay
- Teaching and learning policy
- Volunteers
- Whistle-blowing policy
- Whistle-blowing procedures
- Working from home
Can't see what you're looking for? It's likely to be covered in another policy or in one of our other resources. Get in touch to see how we can best support you.
More policy support for your whole school, from across The Key:
Our biggest library of guidance, templates and checklists, model policies and more.
Resources and tools to help your board play its strategic role and work with confidence.